Dead lock with log4cplus: Unraveling the Mystery [Epilog: Was a docker-compose.yml ‘tty: true’ Missing Problem]
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Dead lock with log4cplus: Unraveling the Mystery [Epilog: Was a docker-compose.yml ‘tty: true’ Missing Problem]

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Are you tired of dealing with the infamous “dead lock with log4cplus” error in your Docker environment? You’re not alone! This error can be frustrating, especially when you’re trying to troubleshoot a complex issue. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Docker, log4cplus, and docker-compose.yml to help you understand the root cause of this problem and provide a comprehensive solution.

What is log4cplus?

log4cplus is a popular open-source logging library for C++ applications. It’s widely used in various industries, including fintech, healthcare, and e-commerce. log4cplus provides a flexible and customizable way to log events in your application, making it easier to debug and monitor performance.

The Problem: Dead lock with log4cplus

When you run your Docker container, you might encounter a “dead lock with log4cplus” error. This error occurs when log4cplus tries to write logs to the console, but the console is not available due to a configuration issue. As a result, your application becomes unresponsive, and you’re left with a cryptic error message.

log4cplus:error: Unable to write to console:Broken pipe
log4cplus:error: Unable to write to console:Broken pipe
log4cplus:error: Unable to write to console:Broken pipe

The Suspect: docker-compose.yml

The culprit behind this error is often a misconfigured docker-compose.yml file. Specifically, the absence of the `tty: true` flag in the container definition can cause this issue. But why?

tty: true Explained

The `tty: true` flag in docker-compose.yml allows the container to allocate a pseudo-TTY (Teletype) device. This pseudo-TTY enables the container to interact with the terminal, allowing log4cplus to write logs to the console correctly.

version: '3'
    build: .
      - "8080:8080"
    tty: true

By adding the `tty: true` flag, you’re telling Docker to allocate a pseudo-TTY device for the container, which enables log4cplus to write logs correctly.

Solution: Update docker-compose.yml

To resolve the “dead lock with log4cplus” error, follow these steps:

  1. Open your docker-compose.yml file in a text editor.
  2. Add the `tty: true` flag to the container definition, as shown above.
  3. Save the changes and restart your Docker container using the command `docker-compose up -d`.

After updating your docker-compose.yml file, log4cplus should be able to write logs correctly, and the “dead lock with log4cplus” error should disappear.

Additional Tips and Troubleshooting

If you’re still experiencing issues, consider the following tips and troubleshooting steps:

  • Check your log4cplus configuration file to ensure it’s correctly configured to write logs to the console.
  • Verify that your Docker container has the necessary permissions to write logs to the console.
  • Try running your container with the `-it` flag instead of `-d`, using the command `docker-compose up -it`.
  • If you’re using a Docker volume, ensure that it’s correctly mounted and has the necessary permissions.


The “dead lock with log4cplus” error can be frustrating, but it’s often a simple configuration issue. By adding the `tty: true` flag to your docker-compose.yml file, you can resolve this problem and get your application running smoothly. Remember to double-check your log4cplus configuration and Docker permissions to ensure that everything is set up correctly.

Problem Solution
Dead lock with log4cplus Add `tty: true` to docker-compose.yml

Now, go ahead and breathe a sigh of relief! You’ve conquered the “dead lock with log4cplus” error and can focus on developing your amazing application.

Remember, in the world of Docker and log4cplus, attention to detail is key. Don’t let configuration issues hold you back – stay curious, stay vigilant, and stay coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with a deadlock issue using log4cplus? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out these commonly asked questions and their solutions to get your logging back on track.

Q1: What is a deadlock, and how does it relate to log4cplus?

A deadlock is a situation where two or more threads are blocked, waiting for each other to release a resource. In the context of log4cplus, a deadlock can occur when multiple threads are trying to log messages simultaneously, causing the logging system to freeze. This can happen when the logging configuration is not properly tuned for multi-threaded environments.

Q2: What are the common symptoms of a deadlock with log4cplus?

When a deadlock occurs with log4cplus, you may notice that your application becomes unresponsive, and log messages are not being written to the log file or console. You might also see increased CPU usage or memory consumption. In some cases, your application may even crash or terminate abruptly.

Q3: How can I diagnose a deadlock issue with log4cplus?

To diagnose a deadlock issue with log4cplus, you can try enabling debug logging, which can provide more detailed information about the logging process. You can also use tools like `gdb` or `pdb` to attach to the process and inspect the thread state. Additionally, review your logging configuration and ensure that it’s properly tuned for multi-threaded environments.

Q4: What was the root cause of the deadlock issue in this specific scenario?

In this particular case, the deadlock issue was caused by a missing `tty: true` directive in the `docker-compose.yml` file. This omission led to a situation where the logging system was blocking, causing the deadlock.

Q5: How can I prevent similar deadlock issues with log4cplus in the future?

To avoid similar deadlock issues with log4cplus, make sure to properly configure your logging system for multi-threaded environments. Ensure that your logging configuration is well-tuned, and consider enabling asynchronous logging. Also, carefully review your `docker-compose.yml` file to ensure that it’s correctly configured, including the `tty: true` directive.

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