Understanding the Problem
Image by Ana - hkhazo.biz.id

Understanding the Problem

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Are you tired of struggling with adding a class to a specific table data cell (TD) based on the presence of text in that cell and other TDs? Do you find yourself lost in a sea of JavaScript and CSS selectors, unsure of how to achieve this seemingly simple task? Fear not, dear developer, for we’ve got you covered! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you by the hand and walk you through the process of adding a class to a TD element only if the text in that cell and other TDs are present.

Understanding the Problem

Before we dive into the solution, let’s first understand the problem we’re trying to solve. Imagine you have a table with multiple rows and columns, and you want to add a class to a specific TD element based on the following conditions:

  • The TD element contains text.
  • The text in the TD element is not empty or null.
  • Other TD elements in the same row contain text as well.

This might seem like a straightforward task, but trust us, it’s not as easy as it sounds. You’ll encounter issues with selecting the correct TD elements, checking for text presence, and adding the class only when both conditions are met.

The Solution: Using JavaScript and CSS Selectors

The solution involves using JavaScript to loop through the TD elements, check for the presence of text, and add the class accordingly. We’ll also utilize CSS selectors to target the specific TD elements that meet our conditions. So, let’s get started!

Step 1: Get the Table Rows and TD Elements

First, we need to get all the table rows and TD elements using JavaScript. We’ll use the `getElementsByTagName()` method to retrieve the table rows and then loop through each row to get the TD elements.

  const tableRows = document.getElementsByTagName('tr');
  Array.prototype.forEach.call(tableRows, function(row) {
    const tds = row.getElementsByTagName('td');
    // Do something with the TD elements

Step 2: Check for Text Presence in TD Elements

Next, we need to check if the TD elements contain text. We’ll use the `textContent` property to get the text content of each TD element and then check if it’s not empty or null.

  const tableRows = document.getElementsByTagName('tr');
  Array.prototype.forEach.call(tableRows, function(row) {
    const tds = row.getElementsByTagName('td');
    Array.prototype.forEach.call(tds, function(td) {
      const text = td.textContent.trim();
      if (text !== '' && text !== null) {
        // Text is present, do something
      } else {
        // Text is not present, do something else

Step 3: Check for Text Presence in Other TD Elements

Now, we need to check if other TD elements in the same row contain text as well. We’ll loop through the TD elements again and check for the presence of text.

  const tableRows = document.getElementsByTagName('tr');
  Array.prototype.forEach.call(tableRows, function(row) {
    const tds = row.getElementsByTagName('td');
    let allTdsHaveText = true;
    Array.prototype.forEach.call(tds, function(td) {
      const text = td.textContent.trim();
      if (text === '' || text === null) {
        allTdsHaveText = false;
    if (allTdsHaveText) {
      // All TD elements have text, do something
    } else {
      // Not all TD elements have text, do something else

Step 4: Add the Class to the TD Element

Finally, we’ll add the class to the TD element only if both conditions are met: the TD element contains text and all other TD elements in the same row contain text as well.

  const tableRows = document.getElementsByTagName('tr');
  Array.prototype.forEach.call(tableRows, function(row) {
    const tds = row.getElementsByTagName('td');
    let allTdsHaveText = true;
    Array.prototype.forEach.call(tds, function(td) {
      const text = td.textContent.trim();
      if (text === '' || text === null) {
        allTdsHaveText = false;
    if (allTdsHaveText) {
      Array.prototype.forEach.call(tds, function(td) {
        const text = td.textContent.trim();
        if (text !== '' && text !== null) {

Create a Table Example

Let’s create a sample table to demonstrate the solution:

Row 1 Cell 1 Row 1 Cell 2 Row 1 Cell 3
Row 2 Cell 1 Row 2 Cell 3
Row 3 Cell 1 Row 3 Cell 2 Row 3 Cell 3

In this example, we’ll add the class `my-class` to the TD elements that meet the conditions:

  • The TD element contains text.
  • The text in the TD element is not empty or null.
  • Other TD elements in the same row contain text as well.

Only the TD elements in the first and third rows will receive the class `my-class`, as they meet all the conditions.


And there you have it! You’ve successfully added a class to a TD element only if the text in that cell and other TD elements are present. This solution may seem complex, but it’s a necessary evil when dealing with tables and conditional class additions.

Remember to adjust the script to fit your specific use case, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or need assistance.

Happy coding!

Here is the desired output:

Frequently Asked Question

If you’re wondering how to add a class to a table data cell only if the text in that cell and other cells are present, we’ve got you covered!

How can I add a class to a table data cell using JavaScript?

You can add a class to a table data cell using JavaScript by using the `getElementsByTagName` method to select the `td` elements, and then loop through them to check if the text is present. If it is, you can add the class using the `classList.add` method.

Can I use jQuery to add a class to a table data cell?

Yes, you can use jQuery to add a class to a table data cell. Simply use the `$(‘td’)` selector to select the `td` elements, and then use the `filter` method to check if the text is present. If it is, you can add the class using the `addClass` method.

How can I add a class to a table data cell only if the text in that cell and other cells are present?

To add a class to a table data cell only if the text in that cell and other cells are present, you can use JavaScript to loop through the `td` elements and check if the text is present in each cell. If it is, you can add the class using the `classList.add` method. You can also use the `parentNode` property to check if the text is present in other cells.

Can I use CSS to add a class to a table data cell?

No, you cannot use CSS to add a class to a table data cell based on the presence of text. CSS is used for styling, not for adding classes dynamically based on conditions.

What is the best approach to adding a class to a table data cell?

The best approach to adding a class to a table data cell depends on your specific use case and requirements. If you need to add a class dynamically based on the presence of text, JavaScript is a good choice. If you need to add a class for styling purposes, CSS is a better option.