Stuck in the Snow: Resolving the “Unable to Connect Flyway to Snowflake Using User and Key Pair Authentication” Conundrum
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Stuck in the Snow: Resolving the “Unable to Connect Flyway to Snowflake Using User and Key Pair Authentication” Conundrum

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Flyway and Snowflake, a match made in heaven, right? Unfortunately, the honeymoon phase can quickly turn into a frustrating battle when you’re stuck trying to connect the two using user and key pair authentication. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the most common pitfalls and provide clear, step-by-step instructions to help you overcome the “unable to connect” hurdle and get your database migration workflow up and running smoothly.

The Basics: Flyway and Snowflake 101

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s quickly cover the basics:

  • Flyway: A popular, open-source database migration tool that helps you version and manage changes to your database schema.
  • Snowflake: A cloud-based, columnar storage data warehousing platform designed for high-performance analytics and reporting.
  • User and Key Pair Authentication: A secure method for authenticating with Snowflake using a username and private key pair, rather than a password.

Troubleshooting: Common Issues and Solutions

So, what’s going wrong? Let’s explore some common issues and their solutions:

Issue 1: Incorrect or Missing Configuration

Flyway relies on a configuration file (flyway.conf) to connect to your Snowflake instance. Make sure you’ve got the following properties set correctly:


Remember to replace:

  • `account_name` with your actual Snowflake account name.
  • `YOUR_USERNAME` with your Snowflake username.
  • `YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY` with the path to your private key file.

Issue 2: Private Key File Format

Snowflake requires a PEM-formatted private key. If you generated your key pair using OpenSSL, you might need to convert the private key to PEM format:

openssl rsa -in private_key.pem -out private_key.pem

Double-check that your private key file has the correct format:


Issue 3: Permissions and Access Control

Verify that your Snowflake user has the necessary permissions to access the database and perform the required actions:

  • Make sure the user has the `ACCOUNT_ADMIN` role or equivalent.
  • Grant the `CREATE DATABASE` and `CREATE SCHEMA` privileges on the desired database.

Issue 4: Flyway Driver Version

Ensure you’re using a compatible version of the Snowflake JDBC driver:


Update your Flyway configuration to use the correct driver version.

Step-by-Step Guide to Connecting Flyway to Snowflake using User and Key Pair Authentication

Now that we’ve addressed the common issues, let’s walk through the setup process from scratch:

Step 1: Generate a Key Pair

Use OpenSSL to generate a private and public key pair:

openssl genrsa -out rsa_key 2048
openssl rsa -pubout -in rsa_key -out

Step 2: Create a Snowflake User and Grant Permissions

Create a new Snowflake user and grant the necessary permissions:

CREATE USER flyway_user


Step 3: Configure Flyway

Create a `flyway.conf` file with the following contents:


Step 4: Initialize Flyway

Initialize Flyway with the configuration file:

flyway -configFile=flyway.conf init

Step 5: Verify the Connection

Run a simple Flyway command to verify the connection:

flyway -configFile=flyway.conf info

If everything is set up correctly, you should see a successful connection message.


With these steps and troubleshooting tips, you should be able to overcome the “unable to connect” hurdle and successfully integrate Flyway with Snowflake using user and key pair authentication. Remember to double-check your configuration, key pair format, and permissions to ensure a smooth database migration workflow.

Happy migrating!

Keyword Description
Flyway A popular, open-source database migration tool.
Snowflake A cloud-based, columnar storage data warehousing platform.
User and Key Pair Authentication A secure method for authenticating with Snowflake using a username and private key pair.

Need further assistance or have questions about this article? Feel free to reach out in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck on connecting Flyway to Snowflake using user and key pair authentication? Worry not! Here are some answers to get you flying high again!

Why do I get an “Authentication failed” error when using user and key pair authentication with Flyway and Snowflake?

Check that you’ve generated the correct private key file in PEM format, and that the key pair is correctly configured in Snowflake. Also, ensure that the correct username and account details are provided in the Flyway configuration.

How do I specify the private key file in Flyway configuration for Snowflake authentication?

In your Flyway configuration file, add the following properties: `snowflake.private.key.file` and `snowflake.private.key.passphrase`. For example: `snowflake.private.key.filepath=/path/to/private/key` and `snowflake.private.key.passphrase=your_passphrase`.

Can I use aSnowflake account with a custom domain instead of the standard domain?

Yes! When using a custom domain, you need to specify the correct URL in the Flyway configuration. For example: `jdbc:snowflake://`. Make sure to update the URL accordingly.

What are the minimum Snowflake permissions required for Flyway to connect and perform migrations?

Flyway requires the `ACCOUNTADMIN` or `SECURITYADMIN` role to connect and perform migrations. Ensure the user has the necessary permissions to create and manage objects in Snowflake.

How do I troubleshoot issues with Flyway and Snowflake user and key pair authentication?

Enable Flyway’s debug logging to get more detailed error messages. Check the Flyway logs for any errors or warnings related to authentication. Also, verify that the private key file and passphrase are correct, and that the Snowflake account is configured correctly.