Mastering Spring Boot Health Liveness and Readiness Probes: A Comprehensive Guide
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Mastering Spring Boot Health Liveness and Readiness Probes: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of struggling with the intricacies of health liveness and readiness probes in your Spring Boot application? Look no further! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of health components and explore how to configure them by default using all available health components.

What are Health Liveness and Readiness Probes?

In a distributed system, it’s essential to ensure that your application is healthy and ready to accept requests. Health liveness and readiness probes come into play here. Liveness probes check whether an application is running, while readiness probes verify if it’s ready to receive traffic. In Spring Boot, we can leverage these probes to monitor the health of our application.

Why Use Health Components?

Health components provide a standardized way to expose application health information. By using all available health components by default, you can:

  • Improve application reliability and fault tolerance
  • Simplify monitoring and maintenance
  • Enhance overall system resilience

Configuring Health Components in Spring Boot

To get started, you’ll need to add the necessary dependencies to your project’s `pom.xml` file (if you’re using Maven) or `build.gradle` file (if you’re using Gradle).



dependencies {
    implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator'

Next, create a configuration class that enables the health endpoint:

public class HealthConfig {
    public HealthEndpoint healthEndpoint() {
        return new HealthEndpoint();

Available Health Components in Spring Boot

Spring Boot provides several out-of-the-box health components that you can use to monitor your application’s health. Here are some of the most commonly used components:

Component Description
_diskSpaceHealthIndicator Checks available disk space
dataSourceHealthIndicator Verifies database connectivity
mongoHealthIndicator Checks MongoDB connection
redisHealthIndicator Verifies Redis connection
rabbitHealthIndicator Checks RabbitMQ connection
kafkaHealthIndicator Verifies Kafka connection

Enabling All Health Components by Default

To enable all available health components by default, you can use the following configuration:

public class HealthConfig {
    public HealthEndpoint healthEndpoint() {
        return new HealthEndpoint();

    public HealthIndicatorRegistry healthIndicatorRegistry() {
        return new HealthIndicatorRegistry();

    public CompositeHealthIndicator healthIndicator() {
        CompositeHealthIndicator healthIndicator = new CompositeHealthIndicator();
        return healthIndicator;

This configuration enables all available health components and registers them with the `HealthIndicatorRegistry`. The `CompositeHealthIndicator` then aggregates the health status of all registered components.

Customizing Health Components

While the default health components provided by Spring Boot are useful, you might need to create custom health components to cater to your application’s specific requirements. To do this, simply create a new class that implements the `HealthIndicator` interface:

public class CustomHealthIndicator implements HealthIndicator {
    public Health health() {
        // Perform custom health checks here
        return Health.up().build();

Don’t forget to register your custom health component with the `HealthIndicatorRegistry`:

public HealthIndicatorRegistry healthIndicatorRegistry() {
    HealthIndicatorRegistry registry = new HealthIndicatorRegistry();
    registry.register("custom", new CustomHealthIndicator());
    return registry;

Consuming Health Information

Once you’ve configured your health components, you can consume the health information using the `/actuator/health` endpoint. By default, this endpoint returns a JSON response with the overall health status of your application:

  "status": "UP",
  "components": {
    "diskSpace": {
      "status": "UP",
      "details": {
        "total": 1000000,
        "free": 500000,
        "threshold": 1048576
    "dataSource": {
      "status": "UP",
      "details": {
        "database": "H2",
        "username": "sa"

You can also use the `/actuator/health/{component}` endpoint to retrieve the health status of a specific component.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of Spring Boot health liveness and readiness probes, and learned how to configure all available health components by default. By leveraging these components, you can ensure your application is running smoothly and detect potential issues before they become critical. Remember to customize your health components to fit your application’s specific needs, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get ready to spring into action with these burning questions about Spring Boot health liveness and readiness probes using all health components by default!

What is the main purpose of using health liveness and readiness probes in Spring Boot?

The primary goal of using health liveness and readiness probes is to ensure that your application is running smoothly and can handle traffic. Liveness probes check if the application is running, while readiness probes check if the application is ready to receive traffic. This helps Kubernetes or other orchestration tools to make informed decisions about scaling, restarting, or replacing instances.

What are the different health components that can be used in Spring Boot?

Spring Boot provides several built-in health components, including DiskSpaceHealthIndicator, PingHealthIndicator, and RedisHealthIndicator, among others. You can also create custom health components to suit your application’s specific needs.

How do I enable all health components by default in Spring Boot?

To enable all health components by default, you can set the property ‘’ to ‘true’ in your or application.yml file. This will enable all the built-in health components, and you can also add custom health components as needed.

Can I customize the health checks for specific components in Spring Boot?

Yes, you can customize the health checks for specific components in Spring Boot by creating a custom health indicator or by using the @HealthIndicator annotation on a specific component. This allows you to tailor the health checks to your application’s specific needs and requirements.

How do I integrate Spring Boot health liveness and readiness probes with Kubernetes?

To integrate Spring Boot health liveness and readiness probes with Kubernetes, you need to configure the probes in your Kubernetes deployment YAML file and set the ‘livenessProbe’ and ‘readinessProbe’ properties to point to the Spring Boot health endpoint. This allows Kubernetes to use the health endpoint to determine the application’s liveness and readiness.